1.Absolute Coordinate System (ABS) The inertial coordinate system which has its origin on the axis of the Unigraphics and is fixed with respect to the other object.
2. The Work Coordinate System (WCS)is what you will use for construction
when you want to determine orientations and angles of features, the Work Coordinate System (WCS) is used to facilitate geometry construction in different orientations. The WCS can be located and oriented manually anywhere in model space.
All NX coordinate systems are right-hand, Cartesian coordinate systems,
made up of a set of X, Y, and Z axes, 90° apart from each other.
The location and/or orientation of the WCS will need to be considered when
using the following functions:
• Creatinga Primitive Feature (specifically a Block)
• Defining a plane when creating a Sketch
• Creating a Fixed Datum Plane or Fixed Datum Axis
• CreatingaRectangular Instance Array
Existing Coordinate Systems (CSIS)
To return to a specific location and orientation in modeling space, we can use this coordinate system.
Coordinate system Utility ICON
below is list of coordinate system command icon, we will explain in other post
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