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Friday, 27 June 2008

Basic block using two point and height specified

Basic tutorial to make 3D block using two point and height specified, step to make block are
1. click icon block

2. select two point and height,number two icon like picture below

3. Top view your screen
4. select two point at your screen
5. click OK

video tutorial also available below

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Thursday, 26 June 2008

Make Array hole in cylinder, Circular pattern, Unigraphics Tutorial

make array face in cylinder like hole, boss or other shape is easy using Unigraphics, to begin make array model, use pattern face, this icon located in direct modeling tool bar, by using this icon we can make array face, circular pattern face, rectangular array face in other.
click the icon of pattern face like picture below

if you prefer learn using video, here i capture step to make array pattern

Online Videos by direct

Step by Step to make circular array
1. make a cylinder with diameter 50 and height 10, you can use icon cylinder in feature toolbar, or look how to make cylinder at this post

then at the dialog box fill diameter with 50, and height 10 like picture below

2. at the cylinder make hole with diameter 5, click the icon hole at feature toolbar.

at the hole dialog box, fill the value and make sure your hole type (plain hole type- little red box at this picture)select face of cylinder using MB1 (left click)

select positioning method or accept default value (it always at number 3 button from right)then click OK, or if you prefer make hole with certain value from center cylinder, choose number 4 button from right, look at picture below

then select the edge of your cylinder

select end point button, dialog box like below will appear

fill those box with 15, then click OK, now you have cylinder with one hole

3. Make circular array
click the icon like picture below
after click the icon the dialog box will appear, choose circular pattern like picture below,

fill the number and angle like picture above. then click the face of hole in the cylinder, click MB2 (center mouse button) twice until inferred vector button on, then select Z axis arrow, finished with OK button.

or see the easy tutorial via video, your browser must installed latest adobe flash player.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Make Shaft using Sketch and Revolve

by using revolve we can make simple and complex 3D model from 2D model that have cylinder shape, like shaft, bolt, drum, pulley, fly wheel and other cylinder product.
now our project at this post is make shaft like picture below

Step to make shaft are
1. open sketch
2. make a half 2D shaft using profile
3. finish sketch , revolve the half 2D sketch model.

to begin using revolve, click in the feature toolbar, like picture below

to learn step by step of this tutorial, please refer to video below to learn make shaft using revolve feature, here i try to upload in veoh, because i think veoh video quality is better than youtube, although same times any advertisement added in video

Online Videos by

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Begining Sketch Operation, Extrude

last month i post how to make block easier using Form Feature Operation, now let's learn make more attractive block using sketch in unigraphics NX5, sketch is basic feature in UGS that we can make block, cylinder, pipe and other 3D model from 2D model. so let's try make 3D model from 2D model.
Begin Sketch using Icon
to begin sketch click the sketch icon like picture below, it usually located at feature tool bar.

to see how to use sketch, to make block, try to play this video

after clicking the icon, next step is define the plane of sketch, default plane are X -Y plane, if we clicking OK to the default value, we will make sketch plane on X - Y Plane. as see on picture below, we can choose sketch plane. direction of plane, plane option and reference. at this tutorial we use X-Y default plane.

after click OK, Sketch plane will available, at those plane we can drawing using 2D model type like line, arc, profile, circle. try using profile to make like continues line connection.

we can choose preferred snap point option, when we choose profile we also can choose basic shape, line or arc.

begin to sketch with 0,0 coordinate, click the 0,0 then bring it horizontal click other position and the closed line connection like picture below.

then after make closed connection line, right click your mouse choose OK.


we can make 3D model using extrude operation from 2D model like sketch or line, to begin extrude operation click the extrude icon

dialog box will appear, fill the end distance value 25, then click to 2D sketch line, click OK.

3D model from extrude and sketch will appear like picture below

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Make simple Bolt

at the post, we will learn to make simple bolt using Unigraphics NX5 software.
step to make simple bolt are
1. make cylinder for bolt body
2. make cylinder for bolt head
3. unite those two cylinder
4. give chamfer operation at bottom and top of bolt

you also can see those step by see this video

to begin make cylinder, choose the icon like picture below

at the cylinder dialog box, fill the height and diameter, then click OK, basically if we don't define datum of the cylinder it will make from 0.0.0 datum.

from the cylinder that was created, make one more cylinder for bolt head, at this example we use ISO Standard Bolt, with diameter body 4 mm, height body 8mm, head high 4mm, and diameter 7mm.
to make second cylinder, after fill the diameter and height, before click OK, select face of first cylinder, choose face will became datum of second cylinder. to make easier select use inferred point.


to make chamfer select chamfer icon, then click the edge at head bolt and bottom bolt like picture above

Sunday, 8 June 2008


when we design in UGS, 80 % work using mouse, so learning the function of mouse button is basic to work more faster in Unigraphic environments, basically mouse button in UGS divide in three button :
1. MB1 is left button
2. MB2 is scroll button or center button of mouse.
3. MB3 is right button.

The efficient use of these three buttons, along with the CTRL key, can reduce
the time required to complete the design task. The different combinations of the CTRL key and the mouse buttons are listed below:

1. The left mouse button is used to make a selection by simply selecting a face, surface, sketch, solid object or an object from the geometry area or from the Part Navigator. and we can select multiple entities with the this left button (MB1)
2. The right mouse button is used to invoke the shortcut menu, which has different options such as Zoom, Fit, Rotate, Pan, Delete abject,Hide parent, edit parameters, surpress and so on.
3. MB1 + MB2 + Drag, with this key, we can zoom the object.
4. MB2 + Drag, this key is to rotate function, Press and hold the middle mouse
button to invoke the Rotate tool
5. MB2 wheel scroll, is to zoom in and zoom out the object.Press and hold the CTRL key and then the middle mouse button to invoke the Zoom tool.
6. MB2 + MB3 + Drag, Press and hold the middle and the right mouse buttons to invoke the Pan tool, the Pan tool by first pressing
and holding the SHIFT key and then the middle mouse button

Saturday, 7 June 2008

Edit Object Display Change Color

Some times we need to change the color of part, to change the color first click Edit Object Display Icon, or click CTLR + J in your keybord

like picture above, then click your part solid body (1) click color label (2) and pick your color that you want (3)

you can also choose various color by clicking more color button at number 3, then the color window will appear (see picture below), then click OK button. your part color will change.

Edit blend radius via editing parameter

after we make blend operation, some times we need to change the radius of the blend that we have done, before we remove all parameter in that part we can use editing parameter to edit radius value.
see the video below

Begin editing parameter
1. look at your part, to begin with editing parameter is click the blend then right click your mouse, or over your mouse until the face highlighted then right click on your mouse. (look at picture below )

2. choose edit parameter, we can edit thee value in two way, from flowing text box and edit parameter window, edit the value then click ok

3. the diameter will change

Friday, 6 June 2008

Unite Operation In Unigraphics

It's easy to unite together between two part or more in UGS, see the video below

Begin Unite Operation
1. click the unite icon, see picture below

2. Unite operation window will appear like picture below

at the bottom we can choose in checked box, keep target or and keep tool,
if we checked keep target the target part will not lost after unite operation, so you will have two part, unite result part and target part.
same condition if we chose keep tool, the tool target will not lost after unite operation, when we checked all, we will have three part,one from unite result part and two part from tool part and target part.

3. select the tool (solid body) then select the target (solid body)
click apply if you want execute the operation and still continue unite operation, click OK button to execute unite operation with close unite windows oepration.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Coordinate Systems in UGS NX5

Coordinate system is basic and important to understanding before learn more about using Unigraphics, basically there are two type coordinate system in UGS NX5 :
1.Absolute Coordinate System (ABS) The inertial coordinate system which has its origin on the axis of the Unigraphics and is fixed with respect to the other object.
2. The Work Coordinate System (WCS)is what you will use for construction
when you want to determine orientations and angles of features, the Work Coordinate System (WCS) is used to facilitate geometry construction in different orientations. The WCS can be located and oriented manually anywhere in model space.

All NX coordinate systems are right-hand, Cartesian coordinate systems,
made up of a set of X, Y, and Z axes, 90° apart from each other.

The location and/or orientation of the WCS will need to be considered when
using the following functions:
• Creatinga Primitive Feature (specifically a Block)
• Defining a plane when creating a Sketch
• Creating a Fixed Datum Plane or Fixed Datum Axis
• CreatingaRectangular Instance Array

Existing Coordinate Systems (CSIS)

To return to a specific location and orientation in modeling space, we can use this coordinate system.

Coordinate system Utility ICON

below is list of coordinate system command icon, we will explain in other post

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